In 2006, Seagull

Exposing CICS processes as reusable business services seems like a daunting task, but CICS applications is a perfect place to begin the migration to SOA

Atlanta on 10 November 2006

Seagull Software (AEX: SEAGULL), a leading provider of high-performance solutions that transform legacy business applications into service-oriented architecture (SOA) assets, is offering a free KnowledgeCast at 10:00 a.m. EST (15:00 p.m. GMT) on Wednesday, 15 November 2006 entitled: ‘Getting from Here to There: A Roadmap to CICS Web Services for SOA’.

The KnowledgeCast features guest speaker Steve Wood, product line manager for IBM’s CICS Transaction Server—the industry-leading transaction processing platform. The KnowledgeCast will share information about how mainframe applications can serve as a foundation for the ongoing evolution to SOA.

During the 45-minute KnowledgeCast:

Mr. Wood will discuss how CICS Transaction Server V3.1 fits into a SOA, and de-mystify the composition of CICS applications into reusable business services.

Seagull Software will provide practical advice for accelerating the migration of existing applications – on any version of CICS – to SOA. Emphasis on using current IT staff to create reusable services Real-world examples of mainframe migration to SOA What’s new in CICS 3.1 that can help enterprises migrate to SOA Q&A session with technical experts from IBM and Seagull Software All KnowledgeCasts are open to organizations that are seeking legacy integration solutions and rapid, practical ways to migrate important mainframe, System i5 and VT applications to a Service Oriented Architecture.

About Seagull Software

Seagull Software specializes in technology that transforms “legacy” applications into SOA-compliant Web services, helping enterprises achieve exponentially faster IT support for business change, governance and compliance. Our LegaSuite® software platform includes integration, GUI, BPM and terminal emulation technology. With LegaSuite, customers connect legacy applications on IBM mainframe, VME/ICL mainframe, System i5, UNIX/VT and Windows client/server platforms to the Web, to other middleware and to newer-generations of applications such as portals, CRM and SCM.

LegaSuite is based on open standards including Web services, XML, J2EE and .NET. Powerful and innovative tools require no coding, which means rapid results, reduced risk and no maintenance burden. Committed to providing the best customer experience in the industry, Seagull Software’s technology is in use in more than 8,000 business and government organizations worldwide, and by millions of end users. Seagull Software has direct operations in the United States, Canada, the Netherlands, UK, France, and Germany, supplemented by distributors serving approximately 30 additional countries.

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