Crossgate and TrustWeaver cooperate for eInvoicing

In 2008, Crossgate

Starnberg on 28 May 2008

Crossgate has made a strategic agreement to work in cooperation with Trustweaver, the leading specialist in international signatures. This collaboration ensures companies that even their international digital invoices are compliant with different tax regulations. Trustweaver’s services will be fully integrated in Crossgate’s B2B transaction platform, so that clients only need one EDI interface.

Companies can exchange EDI data for different business processes on the B2B transaction network from Crossgate. One of the most important processes is invoicing. This process is relevant for charging vat tax and is subject to strict legal requirements. In Germany, for example, an electronic invoice is only permitted if it comes with a qualified digital signiture. If this re-quirement is not fulfilled, companies can possibly lose their right to a tax reimbursement. Therefore, it is essential to handle e-invoicing in a tax com-pliant manner. The legal guidelines for e-invoicing differ greatly from country to country, even within the EU. For companies with clients in many different countries, it is almost impossible to keep track of the correct procedures for each separate country. This problematical issue has limited the possibilities for EDI in international business significantly until now.

Crossgate’s new partner TrustWeaver is the leading specialist for e-invoicing, key management and digital signatures. With its services for legally compliant e-invoicing, the company ensures that clients always use the correct procedure when invoicing internationally. Now Crossgate clients can also benefit from this know-how. When invoicing on the Crossgate B2B transaction platform, the correct procedure will automatically be chosen, making invoices compliant with each different country’s requirements. Crossgate clients can expand their electronic invoicing to international business and take advantage of the potential savings by doing so. Furthermore, clients still only have one interface to the Business Ready Network. TrustWeaver provides a transparent service to users inside the network which is an ideal fit with Crossgate’s own service-oriented philosophy. TrustWeaver and Crossgate make it possible for e-invoicing data exchange with 24 countries.

“The collaboration between TrustWeaver and Crossgate is a giant step for international e-invoicing,“ explains Stefan Tittel, CEO and founder of Crossgate AG. “Companies can finally integrate their international invoices into the EDI process and be ensured of legal compliance.”

Diese Presseinformation kann unter abgerufen werden


TrustWeaver is a privately held, venture-funded company headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. The company was founded by serial entrepreneurs with many years of experience in security technology, business applications and law. From the outset TrustWeaver has provided tools that facilitate compliance in automated business processes. E-in¬voicing is just such a process and has become the key application for TrustWeaver. TrustWeaver’s solution is brought to market through OEM relationships, sales partners and in direct relationships with the customers. Customers who do not want to worry about compliance issues in their e invoicing process turn to TrustWeaver for easy solutions to complex problems.

Crossgate AG

Crossgate ist der weltweit erste Anbieter eines Business-Ready Networks, das ad hoc eine hundertprozentige Integration von Geschäftspartnern, Kunden und Lieferanten garantiert. Einmal an das Crossgate-Netzwerk angeschlossen, können Unternehmen Daten in allen Formaten und über alle Mediengrenzen hinweg mit beliebigen Geschäftspartnern elektronisch austauschen. Durch die Crossgate B2B-360°-Services „powered by SAP“ erhalten Kunden direkt aus ihrem SAP-System heraus einen sofortigen Zugang zu allen in das B2B-Transaktionsnetzwerk integrierten Geschäftspartnern. Mit den rechtskonformen eInvoicing-Services deckt Crossgate den gesamten Prozess der ein- und ausgehenden Rechnungen inklusive Signatur, Compliance Monitoring und der revisionssicheren Langzeitarchivierung ab. Über das Crossgate Business-Ready Network tauschen bereits mehr als 40.000 Geschäftspartner Dokumente und Daten aus.

Neben dem Hauptsitz in Starnberg ist Crossgate an vier Standorten in Deutschland vertreten, Auslandsgesellschaften befinden sich in Atlanta, London, Mailand und Paris. Crossgate beschäftigt zurzeit ca. 200 Mitarbeiter. Weitere Informationen unter SAP, SAP NetWeaver and other above-mentioned SAP products and services as well as all related logos are trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and other countries. All other mentioned companies, products, and brand names could also be registered trademarks of SAP AG or other companies