In 2011, Infinera

International Network Expands in the Netherlands and Belgium

Sunnyvale, CA on 5 April 2011

Eurofiber has selected an end-to-end Infinera (Nasdaq: INFN) Digital Optical Network for its backbone network extending throughout the Netherlands and into Belgium. Eurofiber has deployed a combined Infinera DTN-ATN network for the speed, reliability and ease of operation of an end-to-end Infinera solution.

Eurofiber is an independent supplier of telecom services based in Utrecht, with a network that spans roughly 10,000 km in the Netherlands, and offering connection points in Belgium and Germany. Eurofiber chose an Infinera network because the features and capabilities of the Infinera network enable Eurofiber to provide their customers with highly scalable bandwidth to meet customers’ needs for increased bandwidth. Infinera’s ease of deployment will also enable Eurofiber to quickly extend its footprint into new regions and new metro areas.

“Infinera’s unique digital architecture enables us to deliver the highest network performance available, offering fast, flexible and reliable services, and at a price that’s highly competitive,” said Bart Oskam, Managing Director at Eurofiber. “With an Infinera network, we are able to deliver on this promise.”

The Infinera DTN, powered by photonic integrated circuits, is designed to deliver up to 160 wavelengths of DWDM line-side capacity throughout the network. With integrated switched DWDM bandwidth, an Infinera network offers the capability to carry any service between any points on the network without the constraints typical of all-optical systems. Through the use of Bandwidth Virtualization for decoupling bandwidth services from optics and the integration of digital OTN switching with DWDM, an Infinera network offers a highly flexible, scalable network architecture. Infinera’s network management solution, the Infinera Management Suite, is engineered to provide seamless integration of Eurofiber’s DTN and ATN networks, with end-to-end service provisioning and visibility. The Infinera ATN brings the intelligence of the Infinera Digital Optical Network to the metro edge.

“We are delighted that Eurofiber believes the best way to offer their customers a scalable and reliable solution is through an Infinera end-to-end solution. Infinera’s technology and Eurofiber’s superior customer service are a winning combination,” said Infinera CEO Tom Fallon.

The Infinera family of optical solutions includes the Infinera DTN, the first optical system based on large-scale photonic integrated circuits, and the Infinera ATN, a compact metro edge platform that extends the benefits of Infinera’s Digital Optical Networks to the metro edge.

About Eurofiber

Eurofiber is a specialized provider of Managed Dark Fiber connectivity, Ethernet-services from 10 Mbps and Optical Transmission Services up to 400 Gbps. The Eurofiber network now covers more than 10,000 km and grows continuously. More than 25% of all internet traffic and 50% of all mobile communication traffic in The Netherlands is transported via Eurofiber’s fiber optic network.

Eurofiber stands for freedom to choose and headroom to grow. That gives organizations the freedom to decide for themselves how to use the connections and to choose their own service providers. Our finely meshed network, the broad product range and the possibility to increase the bandwidth at any moment, gives organizations the headroom to grow and benefit from new ways of working. For more information:

About Infinera

Infinera provides Digital Optical Networking systems to telecommunications carriers worldwide. Infinera’s systems are unique in their use of a breakthrough semiconductor technology: the photonic integrated circuit (PIC). Infinera’s systems and PIC technology are designed to provide customers with simpler and more flexible engineering and operations, faster time-to-service, and the ability to rapidly deliver differentiated services without reengineering their optical infrastructure. For more information, please visit

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements based on current expectations, forecasts and assumptions that involve risks and uncertainties. These statements are based on information available to Infinera as of the date hereof; and actual results could differ materially from those stated or implied, due to risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding Infinera’s expectations, beliefs, intentions or strategies regarding the future, including that Eurofiber has deployed a combined Infinera DTN-ATN network for the speed, reliability and ease of operation of an end-to-end Infinera solution; that an Infinera network’s features and capabilities enable customer to provide their customers with highly scalable bandwidth to meet customers’ needs for increased bandwidth; that Infinera’s ease of deployment will enable Eurofiber to quickly extend its footprint into new regions and new metro areas; that an Infinera network offers the capability to carry any service between any points on the network without the constraints typical of all-optical systems; that through the use of Bandwidth Virtualization for decoupling bandwidth services from optics and the integration of digital OTN switching with DWDM, an Infinera network offers a highly flexible, scalable network architecture. Infinera’s network management solution, that the Infinera Management Suite, is engineered to provide seamless integration of Eurofiber’s DTN and ATN networks, with end-to-end service provisioning and visibility; and that Infinera’s technology and Eurofiber’s superior customer service are a winning combination. Such forward-looking statements can be identified by forward-looking words such as “anticipated,” “believed,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “should,” “will,” and “would” or similar words. The risks and uncertainties that could cause our results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements include aggressive business tactics by our competitors, our dependence on a single product, our ability to protect our intellectual property, claims by others that we infringe their intellectual property, and our ability to respond to rapid technological changes, and other risks that may impact any of the group’s business are set forth in their annual reports on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on March 1, 2011, as well as subsequent reports filed with or furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission. These statements are based on information available to us as of the date hereof and we disclaim any obligation to update the forward-looking statements included in this press release, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

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